Rehabilitation measures

Pursuant to Art. 43 AOA, members who have been declared disabled may, on written application, be granted a one-off or regular contributions to the costs of any necessary medical rehabilitation measures, and suitable treatment and therapeutic measures in particular, if this removes or defers the need to grant the member a disability pension.

This contribution has to be applied for in good time prior to the initiation of the measures. When doing so, the necessity for these measures and their prospects of success has to be verified by means of a medical certificate. This application will be decided by the administrative board.

The VZWL will not bear the costs for such measures:
•     If the member discontinues the measure;
•     If the costs have to be borne by another agency by law, pursuant to the AOA or under a contract, in particular so by the public health care system, a health insurance, trade association, the Federal Employment Agency or a state aid provider or are not being borne on the grounds of the possibility that the VZWL will contribute to these costs or the member fails to submit a corresponding application for these costs to be borne by another agency.
For the remainder, the following applies: Acute and follow-on medical care is not included in the services granted under Art. 43 AOA. This is because such services are on principle within the remit of the public health care system / health insurances and because, as a pension insurance institute, the VZWL is not responsible for and does not provide medical cover.